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Bui Lab Publications
For a comprehensive list of publication, go to Google Scholar Citation


Gorelik, A., Illes, K., Bui, K.H., Nagar, B. Structure of the mannose-6-phophate enzyme, GIcNAc-1-phosphotransferase. The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 119:e2203518119.


Shobo, A., James, N., Dai, D., Rontgen, A., Black, C., Kwizera, J.R., Hancock, M.A., Bui, K.H., Multhaup, G. The Amyloid-β1-42-oligomer interacting peptide D-AIP possesses favorable biostability, pharmacokinetics, and brain region distribution. J Biol Chem. 298:101483.


Kubo, S., Yang, S.K., Black, C., Dai, D., Valente, M., Gaertig, J., Ichikawa, M., Bui, K.H. Remodeling and activation mechanisms of outer arm dyneins revealed by cryo-EM. EMBO Reports. 22: e52911


Sheibani, S., Basu, K., Farnudi, A., Ashkarran, A., Ichikawa, M., Presley, J.F., Bui, K.H., Ejtehadi, M.R., Vali, H., Mahmoudi, M. Nanoscale characterization of the biomolecular corona by cryo-electron microscopy, cryo-electron tomography, and image simulation. Nat Comms. 12: 573.


Khan, N., Pelletier, D., McAlear, T.S., Croteau, N., Veyron, S., Bayne, A.N., Black, C., Ichikawa, M., Khalifa, A.A.Z, Chaaban, S., Kurinov, I., Brouhard, G., Bechstedt, S., Bui, K.H., Trempe, J.F. Crystal structure of human PACRG in complex with MEIG1 reveals roles in axoneme formation and tubulin binding. Structure. 29(6):572-586.


Kaur, S., Gomez-Blanco, J., Khalifa, A.A.Z, Adinarayanan, S., Sanchez-Garcia, R., Wrapp, D., McLellan, J.S., Bui, K.H., Vargas, J. Local computational methods to improve the interpretability and analysis of cryo-EM maps. Nat Comms. 12: 1240.


Dai, D., Ichikawa, M., Peri, K., Rebinsky, A., Bui, K.H.#. Identification and mapping of central pair proteins by proteomic analysis. Biophysics and Physicobiology. 17: 71-85


Khalifa A.A.Z., Ichikawa, M., Dai, D., Black, C., Peri, K., McAlear, T.S., Kubo, S., Veyron, S., Yang, S.K.,  Vargas, J., Trempe, J.F., Bechstedt, B., Bui, K.H.# The inner junction complex of the cilia is an interaction hub that involves tubulin post-translational modifications. eLife. 9:e52760


Imhof, S., Zhang, J., Wang, H., Bui, K.H., Nguyen, H.K., Atanosov, I., Hui, W.H., Yang, S.K., Zhou, H. and Hill, K.L. Cryo electron tomography with Volta phase plate reveals novel structural foundations of axoneme motility in the pathogen Trypanosoma brucei. Elife. 8: e52058


Leary, A., Sim, E., Nazarova, E., Shulist, K., Yang, S.K., Bui, K.H., Francois, P., Vogel, J. Successive Kinesin 5 microtubule cross-linking and sliding promote fast, irreversible formation of a stereotyped bipolar spindle. Current Biol. 29 (22):3825-37.


Ichikawa, M.*, Khalifa, A.A.*, Kubo, S., Dai, D., Basu, K., Maghrebi, M.A.F., Vargas, J., Bui, K.H. # (2019) Tubulin lattice in cilia is in a stressed form regulated by microtubule inner proteins. PNAS. 116 (40): 19930-19938.


Yang, M., Chen, Y.S., Ichikawa, M., Calles-Garcia, D., Basu, K., Fakih, R., Bui, K.H., Gehring, K. Cryo-electron microscopy structures of ArnA, a key enzyme for polymyxin resistance, revealed unexpected oligomerizations and domain movements. J. Struct Biol. 208(1):43-50.


Chaaban, S., Jariwala, S., Hsu, C.T., Redemann, S., Kollman, J.M., Müller-Reichert, T., Sept, D., Bui, K.H., Brouhard, G.J. The structure and dynamics of C. elegans tubulin reveals the mechanistic basis of microtubule growth. Dev Cell. S1534-5807(18)30696-8.


Athanasiadou, D., Jiang, W., Goldbaum, D., Saleem, A., Basu, K., Pacella, M.S., Böhm, C.F., Chromik, R.R, Hincke, M.T., Rodríguez-Navarro, A.B., Vali, H., Wolf, S.E., Gray, J.J., Bui, K.H. and McKee, M.D. Nanostructure, osteopontin, and mechanical properties of calcitic avian eggshell. Science Advances 4, no. 3, eaar321


Ichikawa, M., Bui, K.H.#. Microtubule Inner Proteins: A Meshwork of Luminal Proteins Stabilizing the Doublet Microtubule. BioEssays. 40 (3): 1700209


Kastritis, P.L., O’Reilly, F.J., Bock, T., Li, Y., Rogon, M.Z., Buczak, K., Romanow, N., Betts, M.J., Bui, K.H., Hagen, W.J., Hennrich, M.L., Mackmull, M., Rappsilber, J., Russel, R.B., Bork, P., Beck, M., Gavin, A. Capturing protein communities by structural proteomics in a thermophilic eukaryote. Mol Syst Biol. 13: 15035.


Ichikawa, M., Liu, D., Kastritis, P.L., Basu, K., Hsu, T.C., Yang, S., Bui, K.H.# Subnanometer-resolution structure of the doublet microtubule reveals new classes of microtubule- associated proteins
. Nature Comms. 8: 15035.


Tarry, J.M., Haque, S.A., Bui, K.H., Schmeing, T.M. X-ray crystallography and electron microscopy of cross- and multi-module nonribosomal peptide synthetase proteins reveal a flexible architecture, Structure. 25: 783-793.


Otsuka S., Bui, K.H., Schorb, M., Hossain, M.J., Politi, A.Z., Koch, B., Eltsov, M., Beck, M., Ellenberg, J. Nuclear pore assembly proceeds by an inside-out extrusion of the nuclear envelope. eLife. 5: e19071.


Hampoelz, B., Mackmull, M., Machado, P., Bui, K.H., Schieber, N., Santarella-Mellwig, R., Necakov, A., Philippe, J.M., Briggs, J.A.G., Lecuit, T., Schwab. Y., Beck, M. Pre-Assembled Nuclear Pores Insert from the ER into the Nuclear Envelope During Early Development. Cell. 166: 664-678


Kosinski, J., Mosalaganti, S., von Appen, A., Teimer, R., DiGuilio, A.L., Wan, W., Bui, K.H., Hagen, W., Briggs, J.A.G., Glavy, J.S., Hurt, E., Beck, M. Molecular architecture of the inner ring scaffold of the human nuclear pore complex. Science. 352: 363-365. (Selected for Cover Art)


von Appen, A., Kosinski, J., Sparks, L., Ori, A., DiGuilio, A.L., Vollmer, B., Mackmull, M., Banterle, N., Parca, L., Buczak, K., Mosalaganti, S., Hagen, W., Andres-Pons, A., Lemke, E.A., Bork, P., Antonin, W., Glavy, J.S., Bui, K.H.#, Beck, M.#. In situ structural analysis of the human nuclear pore complex. Nature. 526: 140-143.

(# Shared corresponding authors).


Maheshwari, A., Obbineni, J.M., Bui, K.H., Shibata, K., Toyoshima, Y., Ishikawa, T. α- and β-tubulin lattice arrangement of the axonemal microtubule doublet and binding proteins revealed by single particle cryo-electron microscopy and tomography. Structure. 23: 1584-1595


Gaik, M., Flemming, D., von Appen, A., Kastritis, P., Muecke, N., Fischer, J., Stelter, P., Ori, A., Bui, K.H., Bassler, J., Barbar, E., Beck, M., Hurt, E. Structural basis for assembly and function of the Nup82 complex in the nuclear pore scaffold. J. Cell Biol., 208: 283-97.

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